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City University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong Baptist University
Lingnan University
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Education University of Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
The University of Hong Kong
Student Enrolment (Headcount) (2023/24)
Student Enrolment (Headcount) by Level of Study (2023/24)
Student Enrolment (Headcount) by Broad Academic Programme Category (2023/24)
Student Enrolment (Headcount) by Sex (2023/24)
Student Enrolment (Headcount) by Place of Origin (2023/24)
First-year-first-degree Student Admissions (Headcount) (2023/24)
Senior Year Student Admissions (Headcount) (2023/24)
Approved Student Number Target (Full-time equivalent) (2023/24)