
How to use
Step 1: Select Data Item
Selected Data Item
Available Data Item
Collapse Student Numbers (Headcount) Student Numbers (Headcount)
middle left sub folder sub Student Enrolment by Institution (hc)
Student Enrolment by Institution (hc)
middle left sub folder sub Student Enrolment by Age (hc)
Student Enrolment by Age (hc)
middle left sub folder sub Non-local Student Enrolment (hc)
Non-local Student Enrolment (hc) glossary
middle left sub folder sub First-year Student Admissions (hc)
First-year Student Admissions (hc) glossary
middle left sub folder sub Admission Qualification of First-year Ug Student Admissions by Institution (hc)
Admission Qualification of First-year Ug Student Admissions by Institution (hc) glossary
middle left sub folder sub Admission Qualification of First-year Ug Student Admissions by Age (hc)
Admission Qualification of First-year Ug Student Admissions by Age (hc) glossary
middle left sub folder sub Senior Year Student Admissions (hc)
Senior Year Student Admissions (hc) glossary
middle left sub folder sub Admission Qualification of Senior Year Ug Student Admissions by Institution (hc)
Admission Qualification of Senior Year Ug Student Admissions by Institution (hc) glossary
middle left sub folder sub Admission Qualification of Senior Year Ug Student Admissions by Age (hc)
Admission Qualification of Senior Year Ug Student Admissions by Age (hc) glossary
middle left sub folder sub Student Enrolment of Teacher Education Programme (hc)
Student Enrolment of Teacher Education Programme (hc) glossary
middle left sub folder sub Number of Incoming Exchange/Visiting
Number of Incoming Exchange/Visiting glossary
middle left sub folder sub Number of Outgoing Exchange/Visiting
Number of Outgoing Exchange/Visiting glossary
middle left sub folder sub SD/Ug Student Enrolment of Students with Special Educational Needs (Year 1 only) (hc)
SD/Ug Student Enrolment of Students with Special Educational Needs (Year 1 only) (hc) glossary
middle left sub folder sub SD/Ug Student Enrolment of Students with Special Educational Needs (All Years) (hc)
SD/Ug Student Enrolment of Students with Special Educational Needs (All Years) (hc) glossary
middle left sub bottom left sub Students Who Discontinued Their Studies (excluding RPg) (hc)
Students Who Discontinued Their Studies (excluding RPg) (hc) glossary
Collapse Student Numbers (Full-time Equivalent) Student Numbers (Full-time Equivalent)
middle left sub folder sub Approved Student Number Targets (fte)
Approved Student Number Targets (fte) glossary
middle left sub folder sub Approved FYFD Intake Places (fte)
Approved FYFD Intake Places (fte) glossary
middle left sub folder sub Approved Senior Year Student Intake Places (fte)
Approved Senior Year Student Intake Places (fte) glossary
middle left sub folder sub Student Enrolment (fte)
Student Enrolment (fte)
middle left sub folder sub Non-local Student Enrolment (fte)
Non-local Student Enrolment (fte) glossary
middle left sub folder sub FYFD Student Admissions (fte)
FYFD Student Admissions (fte) glossary
middle left sub folder sub First-year Student Admissions (fte)
First-year Student Admissions (fte) glossary
middle left sub folder sub Senior Year Student Admissions (fte)
Senior Year Student Admissions (fte) glossary
middle left sub folder sub SD/Ug Student Enrolment of Students with Special Educational Needs (Year 1 only) (fte)
SD/Ug Student Enrolment of Students with Special Educational Needs (Year 1 only) (fte) glossary
middle left sub folder sub SD/Ug Student Enrolment of Students with Special Educational Needs (All Years) (fte)
SD/Ug Student Enrolment of Students with Special Educational Needs (All Years) (fte) glossary
middle left sub bottom left sub Students Who Discontinued Their Studies (excluding RPg) (fte)
Students Who Discontinued Their Studies (excluding RPg) (fte) glossary
Collapse Graduate Numbers (Headcount) Graduate Numbers (Headcount)
middle left sub folder sub Graduates (hc)
Graduates (hc) glossary
middle left sub folder sub Graduates of Ug Programmes by Exit Qualification (hc)
Graduates of Ug Programmes by Exit Qualification (hc) glossary
middle left sub bottom left sub Employment Situation of Full-time Graduates
Employment Situation of Full-time Graduates glossary
Collapse Staff Numbers (Headcount) Staff Numbers (Headcount)
middle left sub folder sub Staff Number in Academic Departments (hc)
Staff Number in Academic Departments (hc) glossary
middle left sub folder sub Movement of Academic Staff (hc)
Movement of Academic Staff (hc) glossary
middle left sub bottom left sub Research Related Staff by Dept. Cost Centre and Staff Grade (hc)
Research Related Staff by Dept. Cost Centre and Staff Grade (hc) glossary
Collapse Staff Numbers (Full-time Equivalent) Staff Numbers (Full-time Equivalent)
middle left sub folder sub Staff Number in Academic Departments (fte)
Staff Number in Academic Departments (fte) glossary
middle left sub folder sub Movement of Academic Staff (fte)
Movement of Academic Staff (fte) glossary
middle left sub bottom left sub Research Related Staff by Dept. Cost Centre and Staff Grade (fte)
Research Related Staff by Dept. Cost Centre and Staff Grade (fte) glossary
Collapse Grants/Finance Grants/Finance
middle left sub folder sub Income
Income glossary
middle left sub bottom left sub Expenditure by Cost Centre
Expenditure by Cost Centre glossary
Collapse Research Projects Research Projects
  folder sub Funding for Research Projects (No.)
Funding for Research Projects (No.) glossary
  folder sub Funding for Research Projects (Amount)
Funding for Research Projects (Amount) glossary
  folder sub Research Output
Research Output glossary
  folder sub Prizes & Awards
Prizes & Awards glossary
  folder sub Patent Applications
Patent Applications glossary
  bottom left sub Patents Granted
Patents Granted glossary
Step 2: Specify Academic Year(s)
Step 3: Select Classification(s)
Selected Classification(s)
Available Classification(s)

  Academic Year and Classification